There has been a boost in morale coaching as COVID-19 has created a toll on everyone. The pandemic required everyone to social distance and stay locked up in their homes. As a result, this became mentally taxing on many people. 

In a workplace, it’s almost standard procedure to carry on work and go business as usual. This is why so many people continue to do remote work, but employers need to recognize that prioritizing mental health is essential; it has to go beyond the email closings and flowery words.

Here are some steps to determining what mental health awareness in the workplace means:

Recognize the Stressors

Even before the rise of the pandemic, work stress has always been something employees had to grapple with. Some tasks required a lot more attention and effort than others, resulting in people pushing themselves and even going overtime or taking on the extra workload. This requires the need to boost morale coaching.

On the other hand, it’s also important to note that this isn’t the only type of stress that they receive. An employer may not understand what goes on behind the scenes in an employee’s personal life and what they’re dealing with beyond what’s mentioned at the office. A combination of these different experiences may be detrimental to their mental health.

Look Beyond the Numbers

It’s easy to dismiss the numbers, but you have to remember that every statistic being brought up involves actual people with families and friends. When WHO revealed that over 800,000 people take their own life every year, it’s just devastating to see that number.

Mental illnesses have become very common in the United States. According to the NIMH, about 1 in 5 US adults need to live and function with a mental illness, with the numbers more common for female adults rather than male adults. 

Understand the Problems

Mental health awareness and preventing such instances have to start in the workplace. Assess first the problems that you’re dealing with and whether management is placing priority on how the employees are doing before you boost morale coaching. It can help to discuss this with a licensed mental health professional who can provide insight.

Generally, depression and anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental health issues that can develop when a person is placed under a lot of work stress. Depending on how negative the work environment is, an employee may even experience panic attacks to a certain degree. Post-traumatic stress disorder may also occur if an employee has dealt with office bullying.

Provide the Right Support

Once an office has developed mental health awareness and sensitivity, it’s time to get the proper support for both management and employees, and adequately invest in resources that can help them. It can begin with a series of talks about different mental health problems and how to healthily deal with them.

Work on increasing openness and transparency as well. Some workplaces have introduced teletherapy and other programs that help make the workplace a bit safer and encourage employees to speak. By placing mental well-being on a priority, we’re creating a more positive and inclusive work culture for those who need the right help while doing their job.

Develop Your Workspace

A successful business is able to achieve greatness when the employees are taken care of and encouraged to do the same. Having mental health awareness at work means being sensitive towards coworkers and developing a great workspace where everyone can find solace and thrive.

If you need to boost workplace morale, look no further. Raghu Chittimalla is an executive coach who can bring about successful business strategy and entrepreneurship. Consult me regarding your company so that we can improve your brand’s employee productivity and morale. Get in contact with me today!

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